Title: Keeper
VS. Reaper
Jennifer Malone Wright
Genre: New
Adult Paranormal
Hosted by: Lady Amber's Tours
her father died, Lucy Mae Estmond inherited the family business. She has known
all of her life that she would be in line to watch over the souls of the
recently passed, keeping them safe from the Reapers.
soul eating Reapers have been a plague upon the Earth, stealing souls and leaving
the Keepers as the only thing that stands between Heaven and Hell. The factions
despise each other and have warred for generations.
Lucy discovers an ancient legend predicting the arrival of the Chosen One,
destined to bring forth an end to the Reapers. The surprises continue when she
realizes she is that person. For Lucy, being the Chosen One doesn’t change
much. Fighting Reapers is just another day in the life of a Keeper.
she meets Jack Walker, they both realize they have an insane, mutual
attraction. Too bad that he’s been sent to prevent the prophecy from coming
true. His only mission: to kill the Chosen One.
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/22011941-keeper-vs-reaper.
“Yeah, I get that.” He
took a swig of his beer and cringed. “Ugh. Can I get a shot of Jameson with
this too?”
“I thought you tried to
stay away from the hard stuff.” Her dark eyes penetrated him, looking for a
reason that he would want to be drinking the hard A.
“Not tonight I don’t.”
“Fine. But, because I’m
your friend I’m only allowing you one shot then it’s back to the hangover beer
for you.”
Friend. What a fucked
up word. The F word for sure.
He gave her a twisted
smile as she handed him the shot of amber colored liquid. “I don’t have any
friends. Not anymore.”
She shot him a
concerned look and put the Jameson bottle back on the shelf. “You do now. I
think we hit it off as far as friends go. See, I’m going to help you out right
now, just like a dude would. There’s Janette.”
“Are you fucking
kidding me?”
Jack raised his
eyebrows and shrugged his shoulders, then tilted his head back and slammed his
Reese had her hands on
her hips. “Janette. The girl you took home the other night.” She explained.
“Oh! You mean Janice.”
He turned around to see who she was talking about.
“No, I mean Janette.
That is her name, asshole.”
“Oh shit, really?”
Reese shook her head
and laughed. “You may be good looking, but you are the poster child for guys
women shouldn’t date. I have no idea why I like you at all.”
With a smile, Jack
turned around and wiggled his eyebrows, “maybe we should take that to the next
level.” He was totally joking and she knew it. The two of them seemed to have a
mutual no touchy code.
“Not a chance in hell,
Jack laughed and then
once again looked over his shoulder at Janette. Now, that was exactly what he needed right now. Nothing calms the nerves
after an attempted murder and a fight with your friend like a good night of
fucking out the frustration. He grabbed his beer and got up off the stool.
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Jennifer Malone Wright is best known for her short story series,
The Vampire Hunter's Daughter. Other works include the follow up to The Vampire
Hunter's Daughter series called The Arcadia Falls Chronicles and her vampire
novel called The Birth of Jaiden. Jennifer also co-authors a series called Once
Upon A Zombie Apocalypse.
She resides in the beautiful mountains of northern Idaho with
her husband and five children where she practices preparing for the zombie
apocalypse. Just kidding!
But seriously, between the craziness of taking care of her
children, Jennifer has little time left for herself. The time she does have
left, usually leading far into the night, is spent working on her beloved
fiction or chatting with her equally crazy friends.
Jennifer also loves coffee, has a passionate affair with red
bull, wishes the sushi were better where she lives and dances while she cleans.
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