Title: Sovereign Plague
Author: Rachel A Olson
Genre: Post-Apocalyptic PNR (18+)
Designed by: No Sweat Graphics by Rachel A Olson
Hosted by: Lady Amber's Tours
In the year 3127, the human race faces possible extinction
when a viral outbreak spreads like wildfire during a never ending cold spell.
Former militia member Barrick Hardison has been forced to use his training for
survival before, and finds himself doing it again…but this time for a woman he
hardly even knows.
Lyza Guerrera has spent her entire life trying to hide in
the shadows. It didn’t do her any good. An orphan from the former Puerto Rico
region, Lyza’s foreign looks simply attract danger, including Barrick.
Fortunately for her, Barrick doesn’t seem to have any interest in her, or
anyone else for that matter.
After meeting under extreme circumstances, Barrick
begrudgingly allows Lyza to tag along with him. Threatening his former employer
and witnessing a near upheaval of his old militia camp has given Barrick the
realization that circumstances are not only worse than he thought, but he and
Lyza are stuck in the middle of it all.
When it seems like their situation can’t possibly get worse,
the strength of the Defects – the greatest threat of all – seems to be growing
with numbers, and Barrick’s sanity begins to waver amidst it all. Will he get
Lyza and her precious cargo to safety or will his uncontrollable feelings and
impending psychosis prevent him from reaching their much needed destination?
About Rachel A Olson
Somewhere amidst her forty-hour job and playtime with her
son, Rachel finds time to walk the streets of worlds only existing on manmade
paper. She resides in small college town Northwestern Nebraska with her son,
just a few blocks away from her parents. She enjoys socializing with adults,
sipping sweetened iced tea, and head banging to music that doesn't carry a beat
worth the effort of rock star hair slinging.
Stalk links
Twitter: https://twitter.com/whitesouljamma
Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/AuthorRachelAolson
Authorgraph: http://www.authorgraph.com/authors/whitesouljamma
About.me: http://about.me/rachel.a.olson
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